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•   Marji Wenos (Watkins)  6/3
•   Sam L Grogg  5/5
•   Carol "Samm" Simmons (Goodyear)  4/25
•   Dick Miller  4/25
•   Linda Harkey (Kunert)  4/14
•   Craig Otis  4/3
•   Linda L. Beardslee (Van Landuyt)  2/28
•   Jerri Miller (Sowinski)  2/12
•   Marie Flatley  1/18
•   Steve Kuberski  1/1
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

2 live in Alabama
7 live in Arizona
6 live in Arkansas
17 live in California
9 live in Colorado
1 lives in Connecticut
32 live in Florida
9 live in Georgia
1 lives in Idaho
202 live in Illinois
2 live in Indiana
31 live in Iowa
2 live in Kansas
1 lives in Kentucky
1 lives in Maine
3 live in Maryland
2 live in Massachusetts
11 live in Michigan
11 live in Minnesota
1 lives in Mississippi
6 live in Missouri
1 lives in Montana
5 live in Nebraska
3 live in Nevada
5 live in North Carolina
7 live in Ohio
6 live in Oklahoma
4 live in Oregon
3 live in South Carolina
4 live in Tennessee
9 live in Texas
3 live in Utah
5 live in Virginia
8 live in Washington
1 lives in West Virginia
9 live in Wisconsin
1 lives in New Brunswick
1 lives in Ontario
1 lives in Egypt
1 lives in Mexico
1 lives in Panama
1 lives in Sweden
64 location unknown
183 are deceased


•   Leslie Buell  7/27
•   June E Cornmesser (DeMato)  7/28
•   Judy Bledsoe (Cagle)  7/29
•   Patricia Kremer (Lampo)  7/30
•   Wendy Potthoff (Terranella)  8/2
•   Betty Stafford (Clark)  8/4
•   Tim Wilder  8/5
•   Jerri Miller (Sowinski)  8/9
•   Bernise Magruder (Wallace)  8/11
•   Susan Piff (Froeschle)  8/13
•   Jean Conkle (Knox)  8/19
•   Mary Beth Reedy (Schmidt)  8/19
•   Curtis Anderson  8/22
•   Dianne Jones (Thornton)  8/22
•   Steve Arnell (Arnell)  8/23
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Welcome to the web site for the

Moline High School Class of 1965

Welcome All Regulars, Drop-ins, and Friends!

HAFNERS — A Moline institution where the food is excellent and the fellowship even better--especially at lunchtime when members of the MHS class of '65 gather probably in their red, white, and blue this month. Come get to know your classmates a bit better. You can share tips, enjoy a joke or two, and even talk about Moline sports today or in '65. 

All are welcome--join in on Wednesday, August 7th , at 11:30ish and every first Wednesday of the month in the future. Mark your calendar.

On June 5, 2024, we were joined by SEATED Ralph Cook, Tom Ahlstrand, Barry Curtis, Phyllis Miller, and Jerry Miller.  STANDING Cyd Hillyer Humphreys, Sally Robbins Weckel, Pam Monson Lane, Joyce McMinn Strach, and Mitch Strach.

Sunny Florida drew many classmates to get together. In February 2024, Marg Rosborough Duer, Pam Peterson Verhille, and Linda Swanson Nygaard met in Naples.

Later in March 2024 six classmates got together in Ft. Meyers--Stephanie Sundine, Sharon Brotman Erickson, Deanna Rohrbach Rossow, Linda Swanson Nygaard, Audrey Veberg Olson, and Merikay Jones Willer.

Earlier on February 16, 2024, in Sarasota, Florida, classmates Kathy Cornell Sisco, Chris Eveland VanLerberghe, Marie Flatley, Cheryl Anderson Lehew, Jeff Johnson, Cyd Hillyer Humphreys  and Dee Karstens met at Cooper's Hawk Winery & Restaurant for food and frolic.

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Class Scholarships Awarded

Bob Groene, Barry Curtis, and Jon Chapman congratulate Samantha Volk, our 2024 vocationally-pathed scholarship winner. Samantha will attend Blackhawk College in pursuit of a dental hygiene career. She and her father are thankful and highly appreciative of our generous $5,000 award. Our academically-pathed recipient Venkata Anirudh Kuppili was unable to attend the May 22 Moline foundation award ceremony. Venkata, who is quite computer literate, will use his $5,000 award to study STEM topics at the University of Illinois.

Both Deb Bjurstrom Carlson and Marg Rosborough Duer have for many years, in conjunction with the Moline foundation, evaluated scholarship candidates in determining our recipients. As always, nice job ladies; thank you!

I continue to believe that our MHS 65 scholarships provide meaningful help to worthy students and is a fitting legacy of our class. Thanks to all who have made it a success!


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What, When, and Where


We have a date and place for our 60th reunion, so mark your calendar today for October 3-5, 2025, at Cityview. 

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Re-dedication of 1965 Flood Fighting Plaque

Moline is honoring the hundreds of young people who tried to save the Quad Cities from the historic flood of 1965. 

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Good memories 

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Our Foreign Exchange Student -- Nazek Fahmy Habib

It's been far too long (50+ years) since we've heard much from our class exchange student, Nazek Fahmy, but Mary Parsons Caisley, her Moline host, recently met up with her in Alexandria, Egypt. It looks like a joyous reunion.  And we've been given the okay to post these pictures of them now.  Hopefully we can get a little more information later. 


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More photos. . . 

If you'd like to post photos, just let us know or just add to the albums already available under the section called Photos: Then and Now.  Two more albums were added recently for the 30th and 35th reunions.  Please feel free to include your photos in them.  You never know when they might put a smile on someone's face. 

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